Sunday, June 27, 2010

Echo System Members

Codename:Moira - ridiculously strong personality, always bubbly and positive, makes friends easily, really pretty, a ballerina, has a really funny run and often randomly says, "Say hello to my little friends!!". She has loads of dogs, a cat or two and an African Grey parrot called Jack. I laff her so much xxxxx
Codename:Lola - really strong personality, I was scared of her before I became friends with her, she writes poetry and loves listening to music, she plays keyboard, she has a really nice haircut at the moment, can be really moody or hyper or bubbly, has a sister in matric, she does kickboxing and 'soccer'. She also has a dog and cats. I laff her lotz like vodka shots ;) xxxxx
Codename:Relative - short, the type of person who should have 17 cats and dress like a crazy-lady gypsy fortune-teller but doesn't, often randomly says, "Sukuwena!", is really cute, has a really cute hairstyle, is really good at piano, has a little sister. I laff her lotz like jelly tots :) xxxxx
Codename:FunkyChicken - quite quiet, has awesome black hair and pale skin, has an evil little sister, plays piano (but I've never heard her play), used to do ballet with "Moira", reads a lot, especially Jodi Picoult (like me!), and wants to be a photographer. I laff her lotz and lotz xxxxx
Codename:Lumberjack - me. I'm short, I hate my nose, I love hockey (I'm a goalie), I'm English, I have a dog and a little brother, my favourite school subjects are Maths, Natural Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Design and Technology) and EMS (Economic Management Sciences), I can't dance, I have got 3 scholarships in my eleven years of school and I have been to six schools. I can manipulate teachers easily :) I love my friends soooooooo much, they are family. xxxxx

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